The FoodSmart Alliance

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A Division of Consumer Press
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Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33330-1102 
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Diana Hunter, Consumer Press, and any and all other affiliated parties shall have no liability to any person, property, entity, or organization whatsoever with respect to any loss, damage, or injury whatsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by information presented in this website or in the publication FoodSmart: Understanding Nutrition in the 21st Century, or as a result of signing up for or becoming a member of the FoodSmart Alliance.

Looking For Straight Answers To Today's Food-Related Questions?
Nationally noted author Diana Hunter provides a unique overview on how to easily make sense of conflicting nutrition information and make educated dietary choices. Covers a wide variety of nutritional topics including dieting, organics, irradiated foods, sweeteners, genetically modified foods, food safety, and more.

FoodSmart: Understanding Nutrition in the 21st Century 
is an informative, easy-to-read guide designed to help you make sense of conflicting nutritional information and make educated dietary choices. Both enlightening and entertaining, it covers a wide variety of nutrition-related topics.

To Order Now Call 1-800-BOOK-PLAN


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